
SUSTAIN Bi-Annual Conference 2024
Registration now open!
Find out more about our 2024 conference

Towards Digital Materials Passports in materials intensive industries – Mapping future Scenarios
The Materials Made Smarter Research Centre and SUSTAIN, are jointly hosting a workshop, on Tuesday 18th April between 0930 - 1630, at The Village Hotel, Swansea, to examine how organisations can support the introduction of digital materials passports in materials intensive industries and wider supply chains.

Transforming Foundation Industries Forum
The UKRI-funded TransFIRe and Transforming Foundation Industries Network+ are pleased to announce the Foundation Industries Forum

Sustainability in Steel | SUSTAIN Bi-Annual Conference 2021
SUSTAIN will be hosting a virtual conference “Sustainability in Steel: SUSTAIN Bi-Annual Conference 2021” on the 1st - 2nd December 2021

Artificial Intelligence and Steelmaking Summit
Taking smart manufacturing to the next level
The global steel industry is starting to embrace machine learning technologies for manufacturing steel and is beginning to reap the benefits of process optimisation, streamlining, greater efficiency, sustainability and productivity.

M2A and MeTAL Exhibition Day
Join the Materials and Manufacturing Academy and MeTAL on Thursday 4th Novemeber for a showcase of what they offer their industrial partners.

Green Steel: The Role of Scrap
How can we maximise scrap utilisation for a greener UK steel industry?
The UK steel industry, as a part of the UK economy, is on the journey towards 2050 net zero emissions. The UK government in the recently published Industrial Decarbonisation Strategy considers that the iron and steel sector will be largely decarbonized by 2035.

European Electric Steelmaking Conference 2021
EEC 2021 will be a hybrid event.
The key aim of this 12th European Electric Steelmaking Conference is to provide a forum to share information and exchange knowledge on current and future developments.

Steel Strategy Seminars: Industry 4.0 Part Two
Organised by IOM Communications on behalf of the Iron and Steel Society of IOM3
A series of seminars to promote discussion and debate on the global and specific challenges to the UK Steel Industry.

ECR Plaform Call
The SUSTAIN Future Steel Manufacturing Hub is offering funding to Early Career Researchers to conduct novel research which aligns with the Hub’s two Grand Challenges: Carbon Neutral Iron and Steelmaking and Smart Steel Processing.

Steel Strategy Seminars: Industry 4.0 Part One
Organised by IOM Communications on behalf of the Iron and Steel Society of IOM3
A series of seminars to promote discussion and debate on the global and specific challenges to the UK Steel Industry.

Sir Henry Bessemer Lecture and Awards
The Sir Henry Bessemer Lecture is organised by IOM3 on behalf of the Iron and Steel Society
Power to the people democratisation driven by coated steel products
Professor Dave Worsley, Swansea University
Awarded the Bessemer Gold Medal for 2020

Discover Materials Engagement Event
Learn more about Materials Science and Engineering and how YOU can be part of the future

First Call for Feasibility Studies
The SUSTAIN Future Steel Manufacturing Hub is initially offering funding for three feasibility studies to conduct novel research which aligns with the Hub’s two Grand Challenges: Carbon Neutral Iron and Steelmaking and Smart Steel Processing.
Closing date Monday 13th July at 16:00

SUSTAIN Annual Review 2020
SUSTAIN’s Annual review for 2020 will take place on the 5th and 6th May via the Zoom platform.

Super Science Swansea
Swansea University’s Oriel Science returns to host “Super Science Swansea” at the National Waterfront Museum, during British Science Week 2020.
🌳 Admission is FREE!! 🌳

Representatives from the SUSTAIN project will be attending MRE as part of a wider Materials@Swansea exhibit.
🌳 Find out more about the event, and register for tickets to attend here 🌳