ECR Platform
The Early Career Researcher Platform, for researchers based in existing SUSTAIN Hub and Spoke institutions, is designed to provide ECR’s with an opportunity to apply for EPSRC funding as part of this Hub.
Find more information about ECR projects funded through the SUSTAIN Hub below.
SUSTAIN Early Career Researcher Platform Call 4 Winter 2024/5 Funded Projects
Thank you to all those who submitted an application to this Call and to everyone who gave their time to support this activity. We are delighted to announce the following ECR projects have been funded in the Winter 2024/5 Call:
Towards the understanding of the role of residual stress on the mechanical properties of recovered and partial recrystallised steels
Dr Dezhi Li – University of Warwick
Partner(s): Tata Steel, Liberty Steel
Grand Challenge area - Metallurgic Rules
Recovery and partial recrystallisation has been used to increase the strength of steels. Normally with the increase of annealing temperature, more grains will be recrystallised, and the strength will be reduced, and the elongation will be increased. Recent results have shown that under certain conditions of partial recrystallisation and compressive stresses, not only an increase in strength has been observed but the ductility has been shown to double.
To understand the fundamental science behind this phenomenon, knowing the interaction between the partial recrystallised grains and the recovered grains and the tensile deformation mechanisms acting on this microstructure is of paramount importance. In this project, a model steel will be hot rolled followed by cold rolling to a thin gauge (max 3mm) to allow a partially recrystallised sample to be produced in a muffle furnace through annealing. Subsequent stress will be applied to these samples by a second cold reduction, quenching and other methods after which mechanical testing will be performed. Samples will be analysed using methods including tensile testing (including interrupted tensile tests to see the strain evolution), nano-indentation (to find out the different mechanical properties of recovered and recrystallised grains), and microstructure analysis (FIB/EBSD/TEM).
Techno-economic Analysis for Upgrading Integrated CO2 Capture and Utilisation for Steel Industry
Dr Yuanting Qiao – Swansea University
Partner(s): IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, University of Oxford, Liberty Speciality Steels, Baker Hughes
Grand Challenge area - Carbon Neutral Iron and Steelmaking
Decarbonisation of the steel industry is an important part of reaching the government’s target to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in the UK by 2050. The steel industry is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for 13.4% of greenhouse gas emissions from manufacturing, and 2.2% of total UK greenhouse gas emissions [1]. By closing blast furnaces and investing in EAFs, it is estimated to reduce the UK’s territorial greenhouse gas emissions by 2% [2].
This project will provide a valuable techno-economic analysis, along with experimental validation, to contribute to SUSTAIN’s Carbon-Neutral Iron and Steelmaking grand challenge through an upgraded, simple, and cost-effective Integrated Carbon Capture Utilisation (ICCU) route. This work will compare the routes to produce different high-value-added chemicals (i.e. syngas, methane, and methanol) with the reuse of the steel slag and the waste heat.
[1] Ilze Jozepa, UK Steel Industry: Statistics and policy, October 2024, commons library. parliament. UK
[2] Industrial Electricity prices: A barrier to growth, competitiveness, and profitability, UK Steel, September 2024
Advanced In-Situ Monitoring and Real-Time Characterisation of Scrap-derived Liquid Steel in Electric Arc Furnaces Using a Fibre-Optic Spectrometer
Dr Yufeng Lai – University of Sheffield
Partner(s): PyrOptik Instruments
Grand Challenge area - Characterisation and Monitoring
To achieve carbon neutral steelmaking by 2040, significant changes to steel manufacturing is required. An example is the move from traditional blast furnaces to electric arc furnaces (EAFs). In contrast to the use of virgin materials like iron core and coke, EAFs utilise recycled scrap steel as their primary feedstock in a process which is inherently more energy and material efficient. The demand for EAFs is expected to increase globally over the coming years.
This proposed research introduces a novel approach to address these challenges through the development of an instrument which can simultaneously measure the temperature, emissivity, and chemical composition of molten steel in-situ. The instrument will be used to capture the spectral characteristics of molten steel samples with known compositions, heated and melted within a controlled furnace environment. By systematically varying the known composition of steel samples, a database of spectral emissivity will be created to map relationships between spectral emissivity and chemical composition, allowing real-time identification of impurities like carbon and silicon in the molten steel [1].
[1] Nemchinova, N., Timofeev, A., & Salov, V. (2017). Effect of charge composition on metallurgical silicon smelting indices in electric-arc furnaces. Metallurgist, 60(11-12), 1243-1249. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11015-017-0435-7
Defect Detection in Steel Mills Using Deep Learning-Enhanced Vision Systems
Dr Maryam Ghalati – University of Leicester
Partner(s): British Steel
Grand Challenge area - Computational Modelling and Big Data
The steel industry, as the second-largest consumer of energy globally, plays a critical role in infrastructure, manufacturing, and the global economy. Quality monitoring and defect detection in steel production are essential in assessing the robustness of manufacturing processes.
This ECR project looks to combine high-quality defect data, advanced labelling techniques, and vision transformer architectures to address the diverse defect patterns encountered in steel production. The data-model framework’s reliance on expert-labelled and unsupervised anomaly detection, supplemented by texture analysis, ensures a robust dataset that enhances the model’s accuracy across multiple defect classes.
This research will contribute to advancements in automated steel inspection technologies, delivering a reliable, real-time defect detection solution that enhances product quality, reduces waste, and optimizes energy usage in steel production. By facilitating industrial deployment within British Steel’s vision system, the project supports the steel industry’s sustainability goals, offering long-term economic and environmental benefits through improved operational efficiency.
SUSTAIN Early Career Researcher Platform Call - Winter/Spring 2022/2023 Funded Projects
Thank you to all those who submitted an application to this Call and to everyone who gave their time to support this activity. We are delighted to announce the following ECR projects have been funded in the Winter/Spring 2022/2023 Call:
Carbon Neutral Direct Reduced Iron Production by Using Renewable Syngas
Dr Xiangyi Long – Imperial College London
Grand Challenge area - Emissions Control
Typically, there are two individual stages when researchers study the use of H2 or syngas as a reducing agent in iron making, which are gas production from various sources and subsequently utilisation of gas in iron ore reduction. Nevertheless, it is quite challenged to link these two processes together as there are several issues when taken H2 distribution/storage into account. As a result, the H2 used in most cases for iron making is assumed being provided from gas supplier directly (i.e., H2 cylinders). On the other hand, feasibility of implementing a H2 generation unit onsite for continuous supply is investigated in few cases. However, either overall capital cost or operation cost is the key factor that makes the deploying H2 production unit difficult to be accomplished.
Herein, an innovative approach that integrating H2 generation and utilisation within a ‘single vessel’ which is essentially a two-stage fluidised bed reactor is proposed. Fluidised bed is a common type of reactor in converting various feedstock into H2 or syngas and also an appropriate reactor favours iron reduction reaction. The most notable advantage of the two-stage fluidised bed reactor is facilitating the iron reduction to achieve a better performance with the aid of in-situ generated hydrogen. In terms of reaction kinetics, equilibrium of reactions will be shifted to products side with continuous assumption of H2 and hence the overall efficiency is promoted. On the other hand, the configuration of two-stage fluidised bed reactor is a compact design which is conducive to reducing total capital cost and space and makes it more feasible to be deployed in steel production sites.
Deep Anomaly Detection in Multivariate BOF Sensor Data
Dr Maryam Ghalati – University of Leicester
Grand Challenge area - UK Digital Steel Innovation Hub
The Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) process, a major contributor to global steelmaking, accounting for about 70% of steel production, is monitored via the collection of multivariate time series sensor data, particularly off-gas data. This data, when analyzed carefully, can offer valuable insights for optimizing process control, thus enhancing efficiency, reducing waste, and moving towards carbon-neutral steelmaking. However, the complexity of this data, with high dimensionality, between-batch variations, strong linear correlations, and nonlinear structures, presents significant challenges in its effective utilization for process control. This research proposes to overcome these challenges by leveraging advanced machine learning techniques. The aim is to harness this complex data for anomaly detection in the BOF process, leading the way to smarter, more sustainable steelmaking.
The primary objective of this project is to develop a deep learning architecture that effectively decodes multivariate time-series sensor data, aiming for accurate anomaly detection in the BOF process. This model will be trained to capture temporal dependencies within each time series, encoding inter-correlations between different pairs of time series, and providing real-time feedback for enhanced BOF control and anomaly detection.
Direct Fibre Texture Evaluation and Formability Measurement (r-value) in Strip Steel Based on Magnetic Measurement
Dr Mohsen Jolfaei – University of Warwick
Grand Challenge area - Smart Sensors for Real-Time Measurement
The r-value represents the anisotropy of plastic deformation, indicating the resistance of a material to deformation in a specific direction. Texture, on the other hand, refers to the preferred crystallographic orientation of grains within a material. The orientation of grains in steel, influenced by its processing history and heat treatments, affects the distribution of r-value. Certain crystallographic orientations of grains can result in higher r-value, impacting on deformation in specific directions. This anisotropic behaviour is closely related to the underlying texture of the material. By assessing the fibre texture, it is possible to indirectly assess the r-value in steel.
Microstructural design of precipitation strengthened medium carbon alloyed steel plates.
Dr Yulin Ju – University of Warwick
Partner(s): Liberty Steel
Grand Challenge area - Smart Sensors for Real-Time Measurement
Medium carbon alloyed Q&T steels, which have been widely used in aerospace, automotive, oil / gas and tool-making industries since the 1980s, are experiencing a growing demand for higher strength (to allow component weight reductions), higher operating temperatures, larger loads and better machining performance nowadays [1]. This requires alloy and / or processing design to optimise microstructures and achieve the required strength-toughness balance. The novelty of this proposed work is to introduce a temper treatment in the partly transformed martensite structure design prior to isothermal bainite transformation to avoid temper embrittlement (a phenomenon related with impact toughness decrease for tempered microstructures) and enhance the strength-toughness combination for existing steel grades to further expand their industrial applications, ideally with lower alloying additions to reduce cost.
[1] J. W. Morris Jr. Stronger, tougher steels. Science, 320 (2008) 1022-1023.
SUSTAIN Early Career Researcher Platform Call - Autumn/Winter 2021 Funded Projects
Thank you to all those who submitted an application to this Call and to everyone who gave their time to support this activity. We are delighted to announce the following ECR projects have been funded in the Autumn/Winter 2021 Call:
All Printed Half-Heusler Abundant Thermoelectric Generators (ALPHA TEGs)
Dr Matthew Burton – Swansea University
Partner(s): SPECIFIC® IKC, Cardiff University, Queen Mary University, European Thermodynamics Ltd, Liberty Steel
Grand Challenge area - Carbon Neutral Iron and Steelmaking
This project aims to make thermoelectric generators economically viable for use in steel works. To achieve this they will be manufactured through printing (lower cost and embodied energy than zone melting or spark plasma sintering, easier processability), use Earth-abundant elements (Hf free half-Heuslers, reduces costs) and manufactured bespoke shaped generators (increases efficiency). These TEGs can capture low grade waste heat (>800 K), that is regarded as too low for other potential uses. Examples include outside VOD tanks, ladles, casters and vessels.
The capture of otherwise wasted heat with thermoelectric generators can be beneficial to the steel industry in two ways. Firstly, the harvested energy in electrical form could be used to reduce a steel works electricity demand on the grid, thus reducing their electricity costs and consequently net carbon emissions. Secondly, the generators could be used to power a variety wireless sensors. These sensors could, for example, monitor temperatures, which would reduce energy demand (no constant heating and cooling cycles) and increase production by potentially increasing the lifetimes of equipment. This would make steel works more efficient, cost effective and reduce carbon emissions.
Multi-field electromagnetic sensor detection for residual stress in steels
Dr Fanfu Wu – WMG, University of Warwick
Partner(s): University of Warwick, British Steel, Liberty Steel, Tata Steel
Grand Challenge area - Smart Steel Processing
Residual stresses can be developed in steel during processing in the absence of external loading or thermal gradients. Sometimes, residual stresses can be beneficial (for example compressive stresses from shot peening) or detrimental (for example spring back during forming). But in other cases, residual stresses at high levels can result in local plastic deformation, which causes component distortion and/or affects the fatigue life and fracture behaviours. For example, cracking and unexpected curvatures in hollow section steel products during and after cooling. It is therefore essential to be able to measure residual stresses and preferably in a non-destructive and rapid measurement manner.
The project aims to develop a fundamental understanding of the separate and combined effects of stress and microstructural features on full magnetic properties. Objectives include:
Measuring magnetic properties of steels with varying microstructure parameters (grain size and phase fraction) and applied stress at different applied magnetic field and frequency using a Brockhaus SST system
Investigate magnetic anisotropy and hence the difference in demagnetisation field change due to stress
Develop relationships for EM sensor signal – microstructure – stress in different steels (such as, NGO electrical steel, DP steel, low and high carbon steel)
Cu redistribution and precipitation in a low carbon steel
Dr Jiaqi Duan – WMG, University of Warwick
Partner(s): University of Warwick, British Steel, Liberty Steel, Tata Steel
Grand Challenge area - Smart Steel Processing
Recycling steel scrap for steel production using the Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) route can significantly reduce the CO2 emissions. However, the steel scrap often contains impurities, and they will accumulate in the steel as the number of times the steel is recycled increases. Cu is an extremely important impurity element to understand its effects on the steel produced. Although considered as a ‘tramp element’, Cu sometimes is purposely added to steel for better physical properties. The Cu rich clusters and precipitates not only bring precipitation strengthening, but also enhance the thermal stability of the grain structure. Previous studies mainly focused on Cu precipitation in single phase steels (for example in ferritic steels, austenitic steels or martensitic steels) where deliberate additions are higher than most projected residual levels. These steels are often heat treated to give the Cu precipitation strengthening.
The proposed research will be a systematic and quantitative understanding of the impurity element Cu’s redistribution and precipitation behaviours between various constituents and the corresponding effect on phase transformation kinetics and strengthening. The conclusions from this study can be applied to other dual- or multi-phase steels with high residuals due to high scrap use.
Effect Of Residual Elements on High Temperature Recovery and Recrystallisation of Niobium Based Microalloyed Steels
Dr Mo Ji – WMG, University of Warwick
Partner(s): British Steel, Liberty Steel, Tata Steel
Grand Challenge area - Smart Steel Processing
Sn and Cu are residual elements picked up from scrap and it isknown that they can segregate to interfaces, such as grain boundaries and dislocations, during steel processing and effect metallurgical transformations. Whilst purposeful alloying element additions are routinely used to control microstructural development during hot deformation, for example to affect recrystallisation or phase transformation, it is not known how the residual elements might affect these processes.
The scope of this proposal is to evaluate the impact of residual elements on the recrystallisation kinetics of TMCR steel products. Grain size control in hot rolling product is achieved via recrystallisation, in which the kinetics are strongly influenced by the steel composition, as well as the temperature, strain and grain size. The primary aim of the work is to investigate the solute drag effect of Cu and Sn during hot deformation, considering temperatures and strains relevant for hot rolling. The base steel composition and deformation conditions will be based on the pioneering work by Jonas et al. on solute drag [1], which was used to determine solute retardation parameters (SRP) for Nb, Mo, V, individually and in combination. The SRP are widely used in recrystallisation prediction equations in academic and industrial process models. This work will therefore develop comparable SRP for the key residual elements singularly and in combination. The second goal is to investigate the influence of Cu and Sn on the effectiveness of Nb on solute retardation.
[1] H. L. Andrade, M. G. Akben, and J. J. Jonas, 1983, “Effect of molybdenum, niobium, and vanadium on static recovery and recrystallization and on solute strengthening in microalloyed steels,” Metall. Trans. A, vol. 14, no. 10, pp. 1967-1977.
SUSTAIN Early Career Researcher Platform Call - Autumn/Winter 2020 Funded Projects
Thank you to all those who submitted an application to this Call and to everyone who gave their time to support this activity. We are delighted to announce the following ECR projects have been funded in the Autumn/Winter 2020 Call:
Microstructure and magnetic properties relationship at high temperature
Dr Lei (Frank) Zhou – WMG, University of Warwick
Partner(s): University of Manchester, Primetals Technologies Limited, Tata Steel UK, British Steel
Grand Challenge area – Smart Steel Processing
Electromagnetic (EM) sensors have shown enormous potential in non-destructive characterisation of steel microstructure both offline and on-line during processing. EM systems are routinely deployed on-line in cold structural strip steel mills providing information on strength levels, and more recently the EMSpec™ system has emerged for transformation monitoring on-line during hot steel processing. The development of EM sensors for high-temperature on-line measurement drives the need for better fundamental understanding of the interrelationship between temperature, microstructure parameters and magnetic properties in steels.
The project aims to study how multiple microstructure parameters affect the magnetic properties of steels with varying field strength at elevated temperature (in the range between room temperature and 770°C). The magnetic properties of steels will be measured inside a furnace using high temperature Epstein frame setup. The fundamentals of how temperature and microstructure parameters affect the magnetic energy terms and hence the domain structures will be studied. The outcome of this research project will enable better predictive capability for the magnetic properties of steel with different microstructures at high temperature which will make a significant impact on future intelligent on-line processing control applications.
Sustainable Investment Assurance Model: SIAM
Dr Stephen Spooner – Swansea University
Partner(s): Celsa Steel UK, GB Recycling, BEIS
Grand Challenge area – Carbon Neutral Iron and Steelmaking
Sustainability is the theme of our generation. A plethora of research, business activity and policy intervention is aimed at tacking the take-make-waste society the linear economy has built. These initiatives have great intentions to reduce an activities effect on climate impact, generate stable economics and support communities. However, an individual aspect tends to take precedent of activity drive.
The SIAM project intends to build a foundation industry approach to joining the wider aspects of sustainability together in a quantifiable relatable way. Much the same as how nutrition is displayed on groceries, SIAM aims to generate values on consumer products quantifying environmental, fiscal, competition, community and education contributions of a given product or project. This will be achieved through extensive understanding of LCA impacts and symbiotic supply chain and activities – for example steel production reduces the CO2 emissions of the cement industry through slag-based lime substitution, which should and must be recognised formally. Once consumer relatability is achieved a precedent for inclusion in industrial and government decision making will naturally follow.
The project will begin by building an initial framework against measurable pillars of sustainability through interaction with national experts in the relevant fields and literature support, followed by three case studies of varied application:
International, national, and circular manufacturing of reinforcing steel bar
Cold steelmaking – a pathway to responsible competitive UK steel manufacturing
Sustainability measured project management – quantifying progress as a tool for improvement
Process design of new reduced activation ferrite martensite (RAFM) steels for nuclear fusion reactors
Dr Peng Gong – University of Sheffield
Partner(s): University of Birmingham
Grand Challenge area – Smart Steel Processing
Reduced activation ferritic/martensitic (RAFM) steels are considered promising candidates for the first wall and blanket of the fusion reactors. Until now, the challenge for the operation of RAFM steels is the short service life in these extreme service conditions. A new type of RAFM steel has been developed in this study with significant refinement of the grain size and high temperature stable intermetallic precipitation. The dynamic recrystallisation and the strain-induced ferrite have been developed through the designed hot rolling process to improve the mechanical properties. Intermetallic precipitates, stable at high temperature, were introduced on the grain boundaries to improve the stability during service in the temperature to even 650°C.
During processing, dynamic recrystallisation has been achieved along with strain induced precipitation on the grain boundaries. Compared with the current RAFM steels, during ageing at 650°C for 48h after hot rolling, the grains in the new designed RAFM steels have no significant coarsening, with the grain size a factor of one times smaller. The next step of the project will determine the conditions in which strain-induced ferrite is formed continuously.