What We Do
The SUSTAIN project aims to deliver cutting edge science and the engineering research required to create carbon neutral, resource-efficient UK steel supply chains.
We can enable UK manufacturing sectors to deliver world-leading resilient solutions for tomorrow's transport, energy and building needs, whilst overcoming societal waste and energy challenges. With this we can bring high-value jobs and prosperity to the UK.
Our Vision
Academic Leadership for Steel - nucleus for broad multidisciplinary collaboration and influence the UK research agenda for steel
21st Century Workforce - Innovation cannot be divorced from skills training, our outreach program aims to influence policy and set agenda for future skills and generate exemplary content
Carbon Neutrality and Zero Waste - This is the number one techno-economic challenge, we must create and commercialise solutions, influence policy and opportunities for circular economy with supply chain
Smart Processes for Smart Products - Carbon neutrality can provide the freedom to operate and determine the future success and competitiveness of an operation
Our ambitions
To develop systems for carbon neutral iron and steelmaking by 2040
To double steel GVA by 2030
To implement world-leading intelligent infrastructure by 2030
Professor Cameron Pleydell-Pearce, Swansea University