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Towards Digital Materials Passports in materials intensive industries – Mapping future Scenarios

  • Village Hotel Swansea SA1 8QY (map)

The Materials Made Smarter Research Centre and SUSTAIN, are jointly hosting a workshop, on Tuesday 18th April between 0930 - 1630, at The Village Hotel, Swansea, to examine how organisations can support the introduction of digital materials passports in materials intensive industries and wider supply chains. We would like to gather input from a range of stakeholders who have different views about future ways of working with technology.

The workshop follows a responsible and inclusive digital innovation agenda to consider what new technologies are required for a digital materials passport and how jobs, work processes and business models might be designed to support materials intensive industries, and their supply chains, through this digital transition. The workshop will consider new opportunities and new ways of working that will provide engaging, satisfying and effective work for the future. 

To ensure different perspectives are considered, we are seeking up to three delegates with different professional backgrounds from each organisation, such as those involved in research, design and technology, engineering, production, digital change, supply chain management, human resource management.

We very much hope you and/or some of your colleagues might be able to attend this workshop, to book a place please follow this link;

Because this workshop is being conducted as part of a research project, we need to ask for your consent to participate. For information on the research ethics implemented in this research, please follow the links below;

11 May

Transforming Foundation Industries Forum

5 June

Sustainable Steel with CCS