Professor Claire Davis
Claire holds a Royal Academy of Engineering / Tata Steel Chair in Low Energy Steel Processing at WMG, University of Warwick. She leads the Advanced Steel Research Centre based in the Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Centre at WMG, which comprises over forty researchers working on steel projects (one Reader, three Associate Professors, five senior research fellows, ten research fellows, four technical staff and over twenty doctoral students). The research focusses on both fundamental and applied research to improve product performance, and develop new and improved steels and processing with the majority of projects being sponsored by the steel industry.
Claire’s research focusses on the relationships between composition-processing-microstructure- properties in steels and includes the establishment of a rapid alloy processing facility to develop new steels and processing routes. She also leads the development of electromagnetic sensors for on-line monitoring of steel microstructure during steel processing. Claire leads activities in these areas within the SUSTAIN programme.