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SUSTAIN 2nd Feasibility Study Call 2022
The SUSTAIN Future Steel Manufacturing Hub is offering funding for three feasibility studies to conduct novel research which aligns with the Hub’s two Grand Challenges: Carbon Neutral Iron and Steelmaking and Smart Steel Processing.
The SUSTAIN Future Steel Manufacturing Research Hub is looking for research projects are aligned to and compliments our current research program. We would like to attract new partners to the project with this call for applications and have potential to lead to further collaborations and future funding bids.
This second call is open to all UK academics whose institutions are not currently involved with the SUSTAIN project and are eligible to receive EPSRC funding and is our primary mechanism to introduce new academic collaborators and develop additional research spokes.
We are currently offering funding for up to three feasibility studies, with a maximum duration of six months, and a maximum value of £50,000 (80% FEC). Exceptional proposals may qualify for a higher level of funding which will also depend upon the quality of the proposal and collaborations, the number of research outputs and the overall contribution to the fundamental grand challenges.
Second Feasibility Study Challenge Scope:
Proposals should be aligned to the following areas, but we will also accept any high quality, novel proposal related to steel production and use in the UK centred around decarbonisation:
Waste Material Flows: Novel application of plant wastes including CO2 and legacy materials (previous by-products) that exist on steel making sites
Industrial Symbiosis: Partnerships between steel production and other industries / sectors that result in resource efficiency*
Energy: Energy reduction in processes and the wider UK supply situation through all vectors including water.
Financial/Business Modelling for Green Steel: Development of understanding that assists decision making of the impact to industry and its supply chain when moving to green steel production.
Value Intensive Steel Design: Today’s products are tomorrow’s scrap. Projects that consider design of steel intensive products that deliver sustainability benefits through their lifetime and are ready for the circular economy are welcome.
Any novel Decarbonisation and Recycling projects that may produce a step change on the path to Net Zero.
*Note that interactions with other foundation industries are covered in calls by the TFI Network+ and are excluded from this call.
The deadline for applications is Friday 29th July 2022 at 4pm
Session Recordings
SUSTAIN Second Feasibility Study Call Launch recording (06.06.22)